Support Programme for Ukrainian Artists

The Support Fund for Ukrainian Artists has been reopened and is now open for applications. Ukrainian artists who currently reside in the Netherlands can apply for a grant.

Who we are

The Dutch Foundation for Literature has the task of supporting writers and translators, and of promoting Dutch literature abroad. The foundation invests in the quality and diversity of literature through grants for writers, translators, publishers and festivals, and contributes to the production and distribution of Dutch and Frisian literature at home and abroad.

What's happening

NEWS - 24.09.2024

Marit Törnqvist receives Johannes Vermeer Award 2024

The Johannes Vermeer Award 2024 goes to illustrator and children's book writer Marit Törnqvist. The jury, chaired by Marise Voskens, unanimously nominated her. Törnqvist receives the award for her exceptional artistic ability to depict universal emotions in language and drawings, and to bring them close to the reader's world of experience. The Johannes Vermeer Award is awarded for the first time to an artist who primarily focuses on children and young adults.

NEWS - 18.09.2024

Reopening of the Support Programme for Ukrainian Artists 2024

Today, the Support Programme for Ukrainian Artists 2024 reopens. In the fall of 2023, the government allocated additional budget to support artists who fled Russian aggression after 24 February 2022 and are currently residing in the Netherlands. This is a continuation of the Support Programme for Ukrainian Artists which was launched in 2022, and the following Support Programme for Ukrainian Artists 2024, which opened in January. Applications for the programme can be submitted via the Dutch Foundation for Literature through this website.

NEWS - 04.09.2024

'The Empusium' wins European Literature Prize 2024

The 2024 European Literature Prize goes to 'The Empusium' by Olga Tokarczuk, translated into Dutch by Karol Lesman (De Geus Publishers). ‘A novel like a root system that branches and deepens, and becomes increasingly rich during reading and rereading,’ according to the jury.

NEWS - 30.08.2024

Bart Meuleman writer in residence in Amsterdam

Writer Bart Meuleman is staying in the Amsterdam writers' residence from 26 August to 23 September, at the invitation of Passa Porta and the Dutch Foundation for Literature.

Translation Database

We are currently working on a new Translation Database. For now, our current database still remains available.
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